
I’m Dr. Brian Kinghorn, and I created this site as an outlet for my thoughts and writing about my academic passions: Learning from Teaching, Inquiry & STEM Education, and The Psychology of Social Media.

I earned my Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Educational Technology from Michigan State University, and I’m currently an Assistant Professor of Curriculum, Instruction, and Foundations at Marshall University. In 2019, I was the licensee and lead organizer for TEDxMarshallUniversity, the university’s inaugural TEDx event. I subsequently certified as a TEDx 100+ organizer at TEDSummit2019, and I remain the university’s licensee and lead organizer for future TEDxMarshallU events. While at Marshall I have also worked with the June Harless Center to conduct outdoor-education professional development for elementary teachers throughout West Virginia; certified as a facilitator for both Project WET and Project Learning Tree and serve on the state steering committee for the latter; and served on a number of working committees with West Virginia State Superintendent’s office focused on creating and validating the state elementary science standards and assessments.

In 2019, I was appointed as the 14th director of the National Youth Science Camp (NYSCamp). The camp, which has been running since 1963, has a distinguished and storied past in West Virginia, bringing high caliber delegates from all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and 8 countries to West Virginia for three and a half weeks of STEM lectures and activities, directed studies, and outdoor recreational activities.

I have also been conducting inquiry-based extra-curricular science programs and science assemblies and conducting both formal and informal teacher professional development since 2002.  In 2009 I founded Junior Science World, a company dedicated to quality inquiry science education for educators and kids. Throughout my career I have presented week-long science camps and other programs through the U.S. and Hong Kong and at nearly 30 U.S. Air Force Bases.

My areas of research include ways teachers learn science from their own teaching practice, methods for effective teaching, and the psychology of social media. I have published articles in Teacher Education & Practice, the APS Observer magazine, the APA’s Amplifier magazine, and The Conversation (which was republished online by over 100 other national and international online publications including Salon, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Houston Chronicle, and Channel News Asia, and was translated into 23 languages by InnerSelf).

Venues for my academic presentations and science shows have included the meetings of the American Educational Researchers Association (AERA), the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Division 15 of the American Psychological Association (APA), the Association for Psychological Science (APS), the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), the Mid-Atlantic chapter of the Association for Science Teacher Educators (MAASTE), a regional conference of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), the Parents’ Journal 4th Education Expo and Family & Home Show in Hong Kong, and the Association of Christian Schools International Educator Convention.

My family is very important to me. I’m happily married with eight children. Of all my accomplishments I’m most proud to be a husband and father.

Teaching Philosophy: Find it here.

Specialties: Educational Psychology, The Psychology of Social Media, Inquiry-based Instruction, Inquiry-based Science Assemblies, Inquiry Science for K-8 Students and Educators, Elementary Science Methods, Science Education Research, Teacher Learning from Practice

University Courses Taught: Educational Psychology*, The Psychology of Social Media*, Child/Adolescent Development in Schools, Developmental Psychology, Cultural Psychology, General Psychology (online* and ftf), Social Research Methods, Earth and Space Science for Elementary Teachers, Science for Elementary Teachers*, Elementary Science Methods, Reflections on Learning
*Courses I Developed and Piloted